No Bars Off - Is Euphoria What We've Been Waiting For?

No Bars Off - Is Euphoria What We've Been Waiting For?

Let us know what y'all think of this one. We're watching this thing play out and we're grateful these guys are giving us content. But what about the bars? Are they stellar? Scathing? Will Drake fire back?

Show notes

This week, Sha Stimuli and Boardwalk Brown discuss Kendrick's shot back with "Euphoria".

Topics discussed:

  1. Is Euphoria what the people have been waiting for in a response?
  2. Kendrick takes direct aim at Drake and holds nothing back
  3. Is Drake's half white-ness a topic of contention?

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Sha Stimuli

Sha Stimuli

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Boardwalk Brown

Boardwalk Brown

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