No Bars Off - Do You Care If Drake Set Kendrick Up With False Info?

No Bars Off - Do You Care If Drake Set Kendrick Up With False Info?

More songs to talk about. Thanks for these lyric videos. Kendrick gave us what we asked for. Are we satisfied with it? We appreciate you tapping in with us.

Show notes

This week, Sha Stimuli and Boardwalk Brown keep the party going as K-Dot keeps the beef going with his response, "Meet The Grahams".

Topics discussed:

  1. Kendrick's dark, spooky sound and approach to the record
  2. The timing of the song's release - mere minutes after Drake released "Family Matters"
  3. Do we care if Drake had someone feed Kendrick false information?

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Sha Stimuli

Sha Stimuli

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Boardwalk Brown

Boardwalk Brown

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